Ofsted Rates Angelface Preschool in Bromley as Inadequate

by Beatrice

Angelface Preschool, located on Oakridge Road in Bromley, has been rated as inadequate in its latest Ofsted inspection. The inspection took place on June 28, with the results published on August 7. The preschool received inadequate ratings across all key areas: leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes, quality of education, and personal development.

Previously rated as “good” during its 2018 inspection, the preschool has now fallen short in meeting essential standards. Ofsted inspectors reported that the leadership failed to consistently implement safeguarding policies, putting children’s safety at risk. The report highlighted that not all staff were familiar with the necessary procedures, which “jeopardises children’s safety.”

Despite these concerns, Ofsted acknowledged that the preschool’s leaders have a strong vision aimed at fostering resilience and independence in children. However, staffing challenges have led to inconsistencies in how this vision is executed. For instance, staff do not provide sufficient challenging learning opportunities, particularly for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This has resulted in some children being inadequately prepared for the next stage of their education.

On a positive note, inspectors observed that staff have established strong relationships with the children, providing reassurance and comfort when needed. Children were described as “happy and relaxed” during the inspection. However, the report also noted that staff do not consistently set high expectations. In some cases, children were discouraged from trying new activities, limiting their opportunities to explore new skills and build confidence.

The inspection further revealed that the preschool does not consistently follow procedures for checking staff suitability, such as conducting disclosure and barring service checks. This oversight raises concerns about the reliability of staff members. Additionally, the support provided to staff for implementing safeguarding policies was found to be lacking in rigor, leading to uncertainty among staff about their responsibilities in ensuring children’s safety.

Ofsted’s report concluded that while the preschool’s curriculum aims to help children develop resilience by encouraging them to take risks and learn from setbacks, these opportunities are not effectively provided. The lack of choices available to children was found to limit their emotional security.

The report also pointed out that procedures for sharing good practices among staff are insufficient, resulting in inconsistencies in teaching children rules and expectations. However, the preschool’s leadership was commended for making necessary links with local partners to support children with gaps in their learning.

Parents interviewed by Ofsted expressed satisfaction with the regular updates they receive about their children’s progress, noting that this communication helps their children settle well at the preschool.

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