Sheikha Moza’s Concerns for Palestinian Children Affected by Gaza

by Beatrice

Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser Al-Missned, known for her strong commitment to education, has voiced her concerns following recent attacks on two schools in Gaza.

In a message to her 1.3 million followers, Sheikha Moza highlighted the tragedy, stating, “Dozens of people were lost or injured while taking refuge in two schools that were meant to be ‘safe havens’ in Gaza.”

As Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF), Sheikha Moza has been dedicated to protecting students and ensuring high-quality educational facilities. Her ongoing efforts to champion human rights in the Middle East are widely recognized through her various initiatives and advocacy.

This is not the first time Sheikha Moza has addressed the plight of children in Gaza. On June 20, 2024, World Refugee Day, she used social media to highlight the impact of conflict on education. She noted, “One of the first casualties of conflict is education. As families flee from war, they often lack even the basic infrastructure needed for children to learn.”

Sheikha Moza emphasized the importance of maintaining education for displaced children, stating, “Their education is crucial for breaking the cycle of violence and rebuilding their communities.”

She also shared a powerful message from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA), which called for an immediate cease-fire: “This must stop. #CeasefireNow before we lose what’s left of our common humanity.”

During Qatar’s graduation season, Sheikha Moza reflected on the situation in Gaza, expressing her thoughts on social media: “As we celebrate graduates here in Qatar and around the world, my thoughts turn to the students in Gaza—those who did not graduate, and those who never will.”

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